
Feeding Problems in Children

Is my child having a well balance diet?

Am I giving my child too little or too much food?

Is my child growing well, after all?


Unfortunately, there are various feeding problems in children which leads to growth problems such as faltering growth, stunting, under-nutrition, and over-nutrition. These types of growth problems may all lead to malnutrition and health problems. As health professionals, in order to assess growth in children we use growth charts. Children grow at different pace from each other. In fact there are various healthy shapes and sizes among children. Some children of the same age might be tall, short, small and big as it depends on genetic factors, nutrition, level of physical activity, health conditions and the environment.

Growth charts are a standard tool which is used for your child’s checkups. Basically, they show the pattern of your child’s height and weight over time. During a normal checkup a doctor or a dietitian observe the growth pattern in children to check if the child is growing proportionate. When, the growth in children in not proportional it might be an indication of health problems.

Normal growth is when a child continue to grow on the same centile for both weight and height and therefore growth is proportional. So for example if when your child was born his height and weight started on the 50th centile he should continue to grow on that centile. If, your child falls a centile from weight it means that there is faltering growth which leads to underweight and malnutrition. If your child’s weight remains increasing on the same centile and your child’s height stops, this is known as stunting. Stunting also leads to malnutrition. On the other hand, if your child moves up to a centile it means that he is gaining weight which may lead to overweight and obesity.

Nutrition and weight problems

Faltering growth, stunting, overweight, obesity and malnutrition can be caused directly by nutrition. Faltering growth, stunting and malnutrition can be caused by various reasons which includes:

  • Loss of appetite

This can be directly associated with lack of certain vitamins such as iron and zinc deficiency. It can also be caused by constipation which is very common in children. Constipation may be a sign that your child’s diet is lacking in fiber and proper fluids amounts. If, you suspect that this might be the reason for your child’s poor nutrition I encourage you to check with a registered dietitian for a proper food assessment.


  • Mental health conditions

Unfortunately, mental health conditions in children are being seen more frequently and also at a younger age. Depression, anxiety and eating disorders are all mental health conditions which affects poor oral intake in children. It is important that if you notice any signs in your child you seek immediate help from your doctor or a healthcare professional.


  • Health conditions

There are various gut related conditions in children which may lead to poor oral intake or malabsorption of macro-nutrients. These include coeliac disease, Crohn’s disease, lactose – intolerance, acid-reflux and nausea. Fortunately, all these health conditions can be controlled and improved by nutrition.


  • Fussy eaters

Sometimes children may refuse to eat the food presented to them. The reasons for this may be due to sensory, psychological and behavioral issues. If your child is a fussy eater, your child and family requires a healthcare team approach. The healthcare professionals must be appropriately trained and specialized in this area.


On the other hand, overeating on a daily basis leads overweight and obesity. Overweight and obesity are risk factors of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, liver problems, certain types of cancers and mobility problems. Children with mobility problems may not perform so good in physical activities at school. This may lead to a low self-esteem leading to psychological issues and mental health conditions.

As you can see from the information above feeding problems in children are quite a complicated matter. There are various health conditions, psychological, behavioral and environmental issues which could be the cause of feeding problems in your child. If you notice any signs please seek immediately help from your doctor and a registered dietitian.


Traditional Kwarezimal Recipe

Would you like a high protein dessert?

And an easy, quick and tasty dessert?

It’s that time of year for a Traditional Kwarezimal recipe!


We are always celebrating a religious feast especially in Malta, and this always comes with a traditional sweet food. This time of year we enjoy ourselves with traditional sweets such as Sfinec ta’ San Guzepp (Zeppoli) and kwarezimal. Kwarezimal are high in protein from almonds and offer various vitamins and minerals from the various spices. If, you suffer from diabetes or simply prefer it low in carbs you can use a sweetener instead of white sugar. I hope you enjoy this traditional Kwarezimal recipe!


  • 400g pure ground almonds
  • 350g white sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • Orange zest
  • Mandarin zest
  • 1 squeezed orange
  • 2 tablespoons orange blossom water
  • 2 tablespoons flour


  • Mix the ground almonds with the sugar, zests, cocoa, spices and orange flower water into a stiff paste.
  • Transfer onto a lightly floured surface and roll into a 6 cm thick roll.
  • Cut into 2 cm slices and roll lightly into a cylinder shape.
  • Place on a lined baking sheet with baking paper and flatten lightly with your fingertips.
  • Mark crisscross with a knife and bake for 10 minutes at 180°c until slightly browned.
  • Allow the kwareżimal to cool down and drizzle with honey and sprinkle with the nuts.

Let me know what you think of this tradition kwarezimal recipe. Leave me your comments below. If, you would like more of these recipe you can order our recipe book. It contains 50 low calorie recipes all with nutritional information inside!


Eating Disorders – Bulimia Nervosa

Do you feel out of control around food?

Do you tend to go out of bed to binge during the night?

Do you feel uncomfortable in your body size and lack of self confidence?


This month we’ll continue to have a look at Eating disorders. The first blog was on anorexia nervosa and today we shall focus on bulimia nervosa. Eating disorders are affecting a lot of people worldwide. In fact, it’s are on the rise as we are living in an era where everyone became conscience about food and what they are eating. There are three main eating disorders which are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorders. Bulimia nervosa is especially common among adolescents and women. Boys and men tend to suffer less but unfortunately it is also on the increase.

What is the bulimia nervosa?

Bulimia nervosa is a type of eating disorder, potentially life-threatening if not taken care of. A person suffering from bulimia nervosa has binge eating episodes. A binge is when a person over-eats massive amount of food in a short period of time, usually 1 or 2 hours. Then, fear and anxiety drive the person to restrict his diet in order to prevent weight gain. In addition, a person with bulimia nervosa may resort to self-induced vomiting after eating, perform excessive exercise and use diuretics or laxatives in order to sooth his anxiety.

There are some official diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa, in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V (DSM-5). These are as following:

  • Consuming an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat within an 1 hour and usually in hiding
  • A sense of losing control over eating during the binge episode
  • Remittent unbecoming compensatory behaviour in order to prevent weight gain, such as vomiting, laxatives or diuretics, restricting food or excessive exercise
  • Bingeing and purging both occur, averagely, at least once a week in three months’ time period
  • Self-esteem is overly affected by physique

Unfortunately, the cause of eating disorders is still unknown but there is strong evidence that it may be caused by various factors such as family history, personality traits and environmental factors. In fact, it is well known that a person may be more prone to develop bulimia when:

  • Family members are obese or have an eating disorder.
  • Have a perfectionistic personality trait.
  • You have a job or do a sport that emphasizes body size, such as bodybuilding, modelling, ballet, swimming or gymnastics.
  • Continuously dieting or exercising in order to lose weight or change your physique.
  • Have a distorted body image or think that your body should be looking like someone else’s body.


Signs and Symptoms


Someone who suffer from bulimia nervosa may have appropriate weight for his height and age. Unfortunately, the person may still perceive himself as being too heavy and therefore wants to lose weight. Patients suffering from bulimia often display the following symptoms:


  • Being obsessed with body shape and weight
  • Bingeing and feeling a lack of control or inability to stop eating
  • Compulsively and excessive exercising
  • Using laxatives or diuretics
  • Self induced vomit after eating
  • Restricting calories, fasting or avoiding certain foods for periods of time

Treatment should be comprehensive and include several types of therapy. The most effective way to treat bulimia is to get a team approach which includes a doctor specialized in mental health, registered dietitian and even your relatives. There are several treatment options which are recommended which are psychotherapy, medications such as fluoxetine and nutritional management.


Nutrition management


Individuals suffering from bulimia nervosa have the tendency to be rigid, controlling, obsessive-compulsive, impulsive and extreme perfectionist. By extension they should be discouraged from sticking to rigid meal plans and rigorous exercise routines. It should be emphasized to make the meals regular and maintain satiety throughout the day to stop binging. This can be accomplished through composing a healthy, well-balanced and flexible eating plan.

Many patients may request weight-reduction meal plan, which is not recommended as further restrictions may be triggering the disease. It can contribute to the onset of binge-purge cycle. Diet should consist of breakfast, 2 main courses and 2 – 3 snacks throughout the day. The meal plan should have clear and planned structure. Patients should be thought to eat their meals regardless of feeling hunger and not to skip the meals.


Eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa are serious conditions which should be dealt holistically in a professional way from specialised healthcare professionals in this topic. If you think you might have this condition seek professional help immediately. If, you are concerned about your child or a friend that might be suffering from bulimia nervosa encourage them to seek help.


Breakfast cereal cinnamon flavor

Are you looking for some quick breakfast idea?

Do you think that healthy and well-balanced breakfasts are time-consuming?


written by Ms Weronika Kordjaka, updated by Ms Rowinda Dimech


To start with and answer the above question ‘not anything alike’! This recipe is full of fiber for optimum intestinal function, vitamins and minerals to help you boost your energy when you wake up. So here, is a recipe for super healthy, quick and drool worthy breakfast!



  • 50 g old-fashioned rolled oats
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 medium apple
  • 1 tablespoon of peanut butter
  • 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon



  1. Prepare saucepan. Combine milk and oats, than bring to a boil.
  2. Simmer uncovered for about 5 minutes until thickened and remove from heat.
  3. Transfer porridge into bowl.
  4. Peel the apple and chop into slices, add to bowl.
  5. Garnish with peanut butter and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Oatmeal may sound a bit boring, but trust me there are thousands of ways to prepare it! You may add different kind of fruits, nuts, sesame or honey for more sweetness. You can also prepare bake oatmeal, especially when you are dieting and experience strong sweet cravings. This recipe will help you feel full and satisfied, so you don’t have to be worried about being ‘forced’ to buy junk food on your way to work. Let me know what you think of this healthy breakfast. Leave me your comments below. If, you would like more of these recipe you can order our recipe book. It contains 50 low calorie recipes all with nutritional information 🙂


Eating Disorders – Anorexia Nervosa

Are you or your child experiencing intense fear near food?

Has eating become stressful?

Is diet hindering you from going out to meals with your friends or loved ones?


If, you answered one of these questions, yes, I encourage you to read this blog. This blog is dedicated to all those women and adolescents who are suffering in silence due to an eating disorder. This subject has become very special for me after 3 years working with clients suffering from this illness.


What are eating disorders?

Eating disorders are serious mental health illness associated with a person’s eating behaviors. This involves obsessive thinking about weight and food. This obsessive thinking may lead to the most common types of eating disorders which are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorders.

These conditions can have consequences such as medical issues, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, growth and development problems in children. It is known that every 62 minutes a person dies from an eating disorder.


What is anorexia nervosa?

Anorexia nervosa is a type of eating disorder. It’s characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight and distorted perception of body image. People suffering from anorexia nervosa try to maintain their weight at the lowest possible point, by reducing food intake and/or exercising a lot. These actions contribute to a starvation mode in the body which can lead to serious medical conditions, as mentioned above.

According to the diagnostic criteria from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) are as follows:

  1. Restriction of energy intake relative to requirement, leading to a significantly low body weight
  2. Fear of gaining weight, becoming fat or persistent behaviour that interferes with weight gain, despite significant low weight.
  3. Disturbance in a way in which a person perceive his body weight and shape or persistent lack of recognition of the current low body weight.


What is the cause of anorexia nervosa?


The exact cause of anorexia is not known. People diagnosed with anorexia may have a bad body image and have the drive to be focused on being, ‘perfect’. They may also have the tendency to look for ways to control their lives. Unfortunately, the onset of anorexia is a combination of biology, psychology and environment aspects.

Even though it’s not yet clear which genes are responsible, there may be genetic sequences in the DNA that make some people more prone to develop anorexia nervosa. Many individuals may have a genetic tendency toward perfectionism, sensitivity and perseverance which are all features associated with this illness. On the other hand, some patients diagnosed with anorexia may have obsessive-compulsive personality features which helps to stick with such strict and restrictive diets and deny eating despite the feeling of hunger. Unfortunately, the environment also plays a role. Nowadays there is the trend to emphasize and promote thinness. Triumph and self-esteem are often equated with being thin. False body images from media like television or print media can significantly influence young people, especially teenage girls and promote the desire for thinness.


Symptoms and signs


The primary sign is apparent weight loss or very low body weight. It should be emphasized that not everyone will demonstrate the same symptoms. Appropriate early diagnosis and immediate treatment increase the chance of a positive outcome as severe malnutrition may lead to numerous physical signs and symptoms such as the following:


  • Extreme weight loss
  • Noticeable thinness
  • Cold intolerance
  • Low body temperature with cold limbs
  • Irregular heart rhythm
  • Fragile hair and nails
  • Amenorrhea
  • Abdominal pain and constipation
  • Dizziness or fatigue
  • Facial hair


Tips for anorexia nervosa

As a registered dietitian working with clients suffering from anorexia nervosa and specializing in mental health, I have a few tips that you or your child can try. Here we go:

  • Set a structured meal plan throughout the day
  • Plan your meals ahead
  • Think quality instead of quantity
  •  No food discrimination
  • Keep a food diary

If you are a parent or know someone with anorexia nervosa you can still help him out. Let’s see the do’s and don’ts.


  • Do speak and ask the person how they are feeling
  • Do encourage them to seek help from a doctor
  • Do be available for them


  • Don’t discuss the subject  of food and eating around that person
  • Don’t mention anything about the way they look – not positive neither negative
  • Don’t try to insult and shame the person for his/her new eating habits


Anorexia nervosa is quite a challenging illness and requires professional help. If you think that you might be suffering from this illness seek help immediately. On the other hand, if you notice that your own child or friend is suffering from this disorder speak to them immediately and offer help. The early, the better. If you have any queries please contact us.


Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Do you feel bloating and gastro intestinal discomfort? 

Does your diet affect these symptoms?

Do you suffer from an intestinal disorders?


Intestinal disorders

Intestinal disorders are becoming more common worldwide such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) both in adults and children. The most common factors which may affect these conditions are stress, viral infections, alcohol consumption and poor diet. IBS might be mixed with inflammatory bowel disease, IBD, as they show quite the same type of symptoms. It is important to note that IBS is different from IBD as IBD includes chronic diseases such as Chron’s and Ulcerative Colitis.


What is Inflammatory bowel disease?

IBD refers to a group of bowel diseases mainly Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative colitis that cause inflammation in the various areas of the digestive tract. The cause of IBD remains unknown. It is believed that diet and stress aggravate the symptoms but are not the cause therefore it is more likely that genetics and malfunctioning of the immune system is the cause of IBD.

Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease causes inflammation of the digestive tract which can be from the mouth to the anus. Usually, the inflammation part appears in patches next to other healthy tissues. This leads to various symptoms including abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, reduced appetite, weight loss, malnutrition and blood in your stools according to where the inflammatory patch is in your digestive tract. Other signs and symptoms which are not so common are inflammation of the skin, eyes and joints, kidney stones, anemia, and delayed growth and sexual development in children. Crohn’s symptoms also overlaps with diverticulitis. It is also believed that Crohn’s is a secondary reaction of diverticulitis, although more research is still needed.

Ulcerative Colitis (UC)

On the other hand, UC contributes to ulcer formation in the tissues of your digestive tract mainly the large intestines, rectum, and anus. In UC the damaged areas are continuous so if the inflammation starts in the large intestine it continues till the anus. The symptoms are quite similar to Crohn’s disease. These include abdominal pain, fatigue, diarrhea, blood in stools and weight loss. Symptoms usually develop over time and sometimes can be life- threatening.

Inflammatory bowel disease complications

IBD can lead to severe consequences such as malnutrition, colon cancer and blood clots if left untreated and can become life-threatening. Unfortunately, there is no cure for IBD but current medication such as corticosteroids along with diet changes can greatly reduce the symptoms of the disease. Severe IBD may require surgical procedures to remove the damaged parts of the gastrointestinal tract. There are different surgical procedures for Crohn’s and Ulcerative colitis since they affect different parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

IBD may take a long time to diagnose. It can be diagnosed by using a combination of procedures such as endoscopy for Crohn’s and colonoscopy for Ulcerative colitis. Your doctor may also check your stool samples in order to make sure that it is not caused by an infection. In such cases, antibiotics may be prescribed. In addition, probiotics may also be recommended as they can improve symptoms although there is no concrete evidence about this till now.

Appropriate diet

Fortunately, both Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis can be improved by adopting the right type of diet. There are various diets which are recommended such as low FODMAP diet, Plant based diet, High fiber diet, Low residue diet, lactose- free diet and gluten-free diet. The recommended diet would be chosen based on the symptoms being experienced by the individual.

As you can see from this blog and other blogs on gastroenterology, there are various intestinal disorders. It is important that if you or your child suspects of any intestinal disorders you contact your doctor and a registered dietitian. In all intestinal disorders, food plays a role in improving symptoms and quality of life!


Sweet Potato and Peanut Soup

This recipe of sweet potato and peanut soup offers a quick, nutrient dense meal. It takes about 15 minutes preparation and around 20 minutes of cooking. This soup is rich in vitamin C, A and B6 from the sweet potato and omega 3 fatty acids from the peanuts. Omega 3 fatty acid are essential in our diet as they manage to reduce the bad cholesterol produced by our body.


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • ½ small onion, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 large sweet potatoes, diced
  • 3 L tomatoes
  • 3 L light coconut milk
  • 5 L water
  • 1 teaspoon curry
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 80g chopped peanuts
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter



  • Put the olive oil in a large pot and heat over medium heat.
  • Add the onion and garlic and cook until soft.
  • Add the sweet potatoes, tomatoes, coconut milk, water, spices and peanuts. Cook until the potato is fork-tender.
  • Add the peanut butter and cook until it becomes thick and creamy
  • Top with more peanuts, garnish with mint and serve.


I honestly hope that you try this sweet potato and peanut soup recipe out and enjoy it with your family and friends. Let me know what you think about this recipe in the comments below. If, you would like more recipes which are low in calories & carbs I invite you to order our book. Each recipe also contains the nutritional information inside.


Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Do you suffer from bloating?

Or nausea and vomiting?

Did you change your diet to reduce these uncomfortable symptoms?


Intestinal disorders

Intestinal disorders are becoming more common worldwide affecting 3 out of 10 people. Irritable bowel syndrome is not a life-threatening condition and it usually affects more women than men. There are numerous factors which may cause this condition. The most common factors are stress, viral infections, alcohol consumption and poor diet. Intestinal disorders can affect both children and adults.

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that affects the large intestines. This may cause bloating, cramps, diarrhea and constipation. If you have IBS you may experience only 1 symptom such as diarrhea or constipation, every 2 weeks in adults. In children, they might experience IBS symptoms during the exam period only. On the other hand, some people may have diarrhea followed by constipation on a daily basis. Dealing with IBS symptoms everyday may have a big impact on your life and in fact it can cause anxiety. Fortunately, only a small number of people suffering from IBS have severe symptoms. IBS might be mixed with inflammatory bowel disease, IBD, as they show quite the same symptoms. It is important to note that IBS is different from IBD as IBD includes chronic diseases such as Crohn’s and Ulcerative colitis.

IBS can be diagnosed after there are least 3 months period during which you experience either diarrhea, diarrhea followed by constipation, or chronic constipation. Usually, patients affected by IBS show no structural signs in the large intestines and usually have correct medical check-up results including blood test.


Coping with IBS

IBS is a chronic condition that you’ll need to cope with it long term, possibly a lifetime. Fortunately, mild symptoms can be prevented or treated by dietary changes, lifestyle changes and minimizing stress as much as possible. While severe symptoms can be managed with medication along with diet and counselling sessions.

The first dietary recommendation for IBS is a lactose free diet along with a low fiber diet. These types of diet are recommended during symptoms of diarrhea. If, the symptoms persist a Low FODMAP diet may be recommended by a dietitian. The word ‘FODMAP’ stands for Fermentable Oligo- Di- and Monosaccharides and Polyols. This diet minimizes the food intake containing short chain carbohydrates which are badly absorbed in the small intestine and may lead to bloating, increased gas production and also have a laxative effect.

High FODMAP products include fresh and dried fruits, fruit juices, fructose as sweetener, high fructose corn syrup, sweeteners like: sorbitol, mannitol, honey, coconut, cruciferous veggies, beans and sprouts. In addition, it’s worth considering writing a food diary including emotions, activities and environment. In certain circumstances, probiotics may also play a role in improving symptoms although there is no concrete research about this till now.

A diet for IBS can be considered quite challenging as it may be time- consuming. In addition, certain foods preferred by the person may have to be eliminated from the diet causing a psychological effect. It is always recommended that any diet changes are first discussed with a registered dietitian, especially in children as they are still growing up. Despite this challenging diet, a diet appropriate for IBS may improve quality of life by reducing intestinal symptoms, so I think it’s definitely worth to try it.


Adolescent Diet and Mental Health

Did you notice any mood changes in your adolescent?

Are you concerned about your adolescent diet?

What is mental health?

Mental health is the emotional, psychological and social well-being as it determines how an individual thinks, feels and acts. There are two types of mental health problems which are; poor mental health and mental illness. Poor mental health is when an individual is experiencing poor mental function affecting his physical, mental and social well-being negatively but is not diagnosed with a mental illness. On the other hand, an individual can be diagnosed with a mental illness but still experiencing good mental health function.

People who suffer from mental health problems may experience signs such as lack of appetite, sleeping too little or too much, lethargy, unexplained pain, substance misuse, feeling confusion or angry, mood swings and inability to perform daily life tasks. These signs lead an individual not to realise his full potential which in turn can lead to loneliness or isolation. It is important to note that if your child is experiencing symptoms such as lack of appetite, lethargy, feeling of confusion or unexplained pain does not mean he has a depression. These symptoms may also be a sign of other medical conditions such as diet related conditions such as coeliac disease, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

In 1986, the World Health Organisation (WHO) reported that the Maltese population consume a diet which is mainly based on fats and sugars. European countries such as Italy and Malta the percentage was increased by 30%. In fact, according to the Health Behaviour in school children (HBSC) aged between 11 to 15 years have the highest Body Mass Index (BMI) followed by the USA.

Mental health in adolescents 

It is well known that adolescence who suffer from mental health problems have a higher risk to reoccur in their adult life. In addition, this may lead to a higher risk of other mental disorders and even premature death. Research also suggests that adolescents with depression episodes have a higher risk of suicidal thoughts in adult life.

It is known there might be a parallel link between the type of adolescent diet and mental health. In fact, a US report found that the adolescent’s diet trend has decreased in fruit, vegetables and dairy products consumption. During this time, it was noticed that there was an increase in high calorific foods such as junk food and sugary drinks. These type of foods will also lead to weight gain and obesity. In young age overweight and obesity may lead to poor mental health and the arising of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

Diet and mental health

Healthy food such as unrefined carbohydrates, lean meat and oily fish contain a variety of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants which in turn are important for the immune system to function properly. Lack of such nutrition in the diet lead the immune system to increase in physiological stress causing inflammation and therefore more production of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a known factor of depressive illness. Patients who suffer from depression have higher markers of systemic inflammation which results from poor immune system function which positively correlates with poor diet. Research shows that high sugar and high fat diets can also negatively affect proteins during brain development. These type of diets are also linked with psychiatric distress and violent behaviours in adolescents in both males and females. A positive link in children and adolescents between junk food consumption and mental health problems such as dizziness, anxiety and feelings of worthlessness. The results were independent of family history, level of exercise, weight and socioeconomic status.

Ideally, an adolescent child start his day with breakfast in the morning, lunch at around lunchtime and dinner in the evening. Healthy snacks should also be included in between meals. These may vary according to the level of physical activities and any medical conditions such as waking up with heart burn, obesity, diabetes, picky eating, etc. In addition, it is important to include a variety of wholegrain carbs, fruit, vegetables and a good portion of proteins for proper growth and development. Diet is always important to be a balanced one especially during this period of time.

Finally, I wrote my first blog on mental health!! In my profession I am intrigued by this subject as I find it fascinated. Considering that mental health is still a taboo and not a lot of people want to discuss it, I think that it is marvellous how a diet can help you feel better on a daily basis. These type of diets don’t help you with the physical aspect only but also the way you feel 🙂



Low Calorie Pepperoni Pizza

Are you trying to lose weight?

Do you restrict food to lose weight?

How long has it been that you’ve tasted a pizza?


If you follow my blog by now you know that I am totally against any type of food restriction. In other words, you can eat a ‘normal’ pizza dough and fill it with whatever food you want. I know what you are saying “OMG I will put so much weight if I do that.” I promise you that if you eat a pizza everyday but you have the right portion size for you you won’t gain weight. Therefore, I strongly suggest that before you deprive yourself of all the tasty food you check with a registered dietitian your right portion sizes.

Despite all of this, I know that most of you who are weight watchers suffer from anxiety if you have to eat a ‘normal’ pizza from a take-away. As a result, I decided to give you an option of a low calorie pepperoni pizza if you are still not comfortable to try the pizza take-away. I don’t usually have time to do my own pizza from scratch and end up buying it ready-made. This time I managed to do it all by myself and I decided to make extra dough to use it for another time.

  • 200g plain Greek yogurt
  • 300g self-rising flour
  • 200g tomato sauce
  • 150g skimmed mozzarella
  • 20 slices pepperoni
  • 4 tablespoons parmesan cheese
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil
  • Heat the oven at 190 degrees.
  • Mix the yogurt and flour until they combine together. Use a wooden spoon for this step.
  • Knead the dough in the bowl using your hands this time for about 2 minutes. If, the dough is sticky add 1 tablespoon of flour at a time until it has the right consistency.
  • Sprinkle some flour onto a large piece of parchment paper. Cut the dough into 4 equal pieces. Roll each dough into a 30cm oval shape.
  • Place the dough onto the baking sheet in the oven and bake for about 18 minutes.
  • When the dough starts to turn lightly golden, remove from the oven and start to add the toppings – tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, pepperoni and basil evenly.
  • Put the pizza in the oven again and continue to cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of Parmesan cheese on each pizza. Cut and serve.

I enjoyed every bite of this low calorie pepperoni pizza. Honestly, I thought that it wouldn’t taste so nice but I was wrong about this one! I hope you enjoy it as well. Let me know what you think of this recipe in the comments below.

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