The main purpose of a weighing scale is to measure your weight. So, if you want to have an indication of your health, weighing yourself is the first step. Your weight is compared to your height in order to work out your BMI. The BMI is an approximate measure of whether someone is over- or underweight, calculated by dividing their weight in kilograms by the square of their height in metres. Being over- or underweight both lead to medical conditions.

Overweight and obesity are risk factors for diabetes, heart disease, chronic kidney disease, fatty liver, and mental illness. Underweight is a risk factor for poor immune system function, gastrointestinal problems, and mental illness. Being underweight can also indicate an underlying medical condition which is not yet diagnosed by your doctor, such as celiac disease and certain types of cancer.

So, if you want either an indication of your health or to improve it, weighing yourself is the first step. Weighing yourself can be seen as a measurement towards your goals for better health. Weighing yourself once a week is enough to monitor either weight loss or weight gain. It is important that the weighing scale is functioning well and properly calibrated at least once a year.

At Registered Dietitians Services, we are equipped with a calibrated pro- weighing scale for an accurate reading of your weight. What is more special about this pro- weighing scale is the ability to measure your weight up to 250 Kg. So, if you do not know your weight because you don’t find appropriate weighing scales, we invite you to benefit from our pro- weighing scale.

Pro-weighing Scale