Vegan Diet
If you are reading this blog it probably means that either you are…

Anxiety and Dehydration
What is anxiety? Can dehydration be caused by anxiety or vice versa? What…

SIBO – Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
Have you ever heard of SIBO? Can SIBO be treated? What to do…

Vegan snacks
Are you vegan and running out of snack ideas? Would you like a…

Watermelon Tequila
Would you like a refreshing dessert? Or maybe a dessert idea for when…

Diet Myths
What are the most popular diet beliefs for weight loss? Are these beliefs…

Iron deficiency anemia
Do you feel continuously tired and week? Have you noticed any changes in…

Stress and Weight gain
Is there an association between stress and weight gain? Is cortisol, a by…

Food Labels – what you need to know
What are food labels? Food labels are important information found on each food…

Artificial Sweeteners
Are artificial sweeteners beneficial or harmful to our health? Are artificial sweeteners really…

Eating Disorders – Bulimia Nervosa
Do you feel out of control around food? Do you tend to go…

Eating Disorders – Anorexia Nervosa
Are you or your child experiencing intense fear near food? Has eating become…

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Do you feel bloating and gastro intestinal discomfort? Does your diet affect these…

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Do you suffer from bloating? Or nausea and vomiting? Did you change your…

Lactose Intolerance
Do you suffer from bloating? Did you every think of an intolerance? Is…

Coeliac Disease in children and adults
What is coeliac disease (CD)? Coeliac disease can affect both children and adults…

Malnutrition Under and Over nutrition
Does malnutrition exits in Malta? It is rare to think of malnutrition in…

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Do you suffer from Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and you were advised to…

Milk and Breast Cancer
Does dairy cause breast cancer? Should we eliminate dairy from our diet, especially…

Kidney Stones Prevention
A healthy diet can directly reduce your risk for kidney stones. There is…

Mind Your Own Plate! Food and Diet Health
I explain why you should mind your own plate as so many people…

3 Mindful Eating Tips
What is mindful eating? Are you continuously eating while watching TV? Or eating…

Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting for weight loss? Evidence based pros & cons Curious whether…

Real food vs supplements?
Immunity boost Currently, there is a constant stream of articles and blogs on…

Healthy food on a low budget
Eating healthy food does not mean that one has to spend more money.…