Media Testimonials
Lil Rowinda Dimech sirt nafha meta kont xandara, produttrici u prezentatrici ta programm magazin fuq l-istazzjon tar-radju tal-knisja RTK. Fil-programmi taghna bhala radju konna naghtu importanza kbira lis-sahha, ghaldaqstant bhala dietician, Ms Dimech kienet tkun wahda mill-mistiedna fil-programm tieghi.
Rowinda Dimech hija Dietician, li tiehu l-professjoni taghha b’serjeta’ u responsabilita’. Konna minn qabel niddiskutu dwar s-suggett li nkunu se nitkellmu dwaru fil-programm. Rowinda min naha taghha kienet tkun preparata ferm. Il-programmi kienu jkunu diretti u jinkludu telefonati numeruzi minghand is-semmiegha. HIja kienet dejjem lesta biex tirrispondi l-mistoqsijiet numeruzi tas-semmiegha, u sahansitra anke taghmel follow-up dwar xi diffikuktajiet li seta’ jkollhom.
Kien ta sodisfazzjon ghalija li jkolli lil Rowinda bhala wahda mill-mistiedna tieghi.
Sonia Young
Ghalina Ukoll – RTK
Rowinda Dimech has been as guest of a number of shows I hosted on the national broadcaster over the last years. As a nutritionist her interventions were always well prepared and explained in detail. I praise the professional way she communicates, her level of professionality and strong delivery.
Quinton Scerri
TVMAM & Popolin – TVM
This year I had the opportunity to carry out a number of interviews with Rowinda related to health and nutrition. These were interviews aired on facebook (on the facebook page of the programme). During these interviews I noticed that Rowinda is a very good communicator and she has a lot of knowledge about nutrition and healthy diets. Therefore, it was not a surprise that a large number of people watched the latter interviews because Rowinda really managed to connect with people and provide trustworthy advice.
Kevin Mercieca
Attwali – facebook interviews